In 2020 alone, Alberta forest companies planted 87 million trees.
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Alberta forests (and Nathan Fillion) are worth talking about.
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Young Forest: Trees
Deciduous trees grow back very quickly on their own – they don’t need to be replanted. In fact, these trees can easily dominate a young forest, taking up the available sun and space.
Coniferous trees don’t come back as easily by themselves, and they grow much more slowly. Replanting conifers and helping the seedlings survive in their new home is part of what forestry companies do in the 14 years after harvest.
Nathan Fillion
Take a look around. What do you see? If you answered trees, your instincts are back on track. But, you know, it’s the strategic mix of trees here that really deserves mentioning. Sure, they grow naturally. But some grow faster than others. Like the trembling aspen of the deciduous family. Deciduous. That’s fun to say. De-ci-duous. De-ci-duous. Right. Trembling aspen don’t need replanting. They just show up. They’re like “hey, are you guys growing a forest? Cool, we’ll be there.” They weren’t even invited. T B totally H, trembling aspen can easily dominate a young forest taking up the available sun, space and veggie dip. It’s for everyone, aspen. Coniferous trees. CONIF! to its friends. Much like me in the A.M. they need a bit more coaxing. By comparison, they’re late bloomers. Forestry companies play a vital role in the survival of conifer seedlings—those sweet babies. And it’s not like an overnight babysitting gig. Those foresters look after the conifer younglings for at least 14 years. After that, the conifers get their learner’s permits and need a bit more space. And didn’t we all at that age. You go trees. You go.
In 2020 alone, Alberta forest companies planted 87 million trees.
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