Less than 1% of Alberta’s forest is harvested each year.
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Alberta forests (and Nathan Fillion) are worth talking about.
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Growing Forest: Animals
Middle-aged forests provide a combination of cover and open space. This appeals to animals like wolves, chipmunks, squirrels, snowshoe hares and the Canada lynx.
The plants these smaller animals rely on for food is still available, but the increasing density of trees provides more places to hide and burrow.
Nathan Fillion
Come to me, creatures of the forest. Ahhh coy. Play your games. You’ve got plenty of hiding spots here. Hello. Before I was talking to the forest animals. Now I’m talking to you about the forest animals ... Neat. Growing forests are the place to be for animals like chipmunks, squirrels, snowshoe hares, as well as wolves and Canada Lynx who like to eat chipmunks, squirrels and snowshoe hares. The partially covered tree canopy provides a combination of cover and open space for those animals to frolic. Plants that the smaller animals find particularly tasty are still available. At the same time, the increasing density of trees helps those tiny, tiny fur creatures hide or burrow to safety. So clever. Looks like the ol’ wolf pack is going to have to work a lot harder for their lunch. And as we know, the difference between one wolf looking for his lunch and a wolf pack looking for their lunch, is more wolves.
Less than 1% of Alberta’s forest is harvested each year.
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